Granitzer Michael, Lex Elisabeth, Juffinger A.
People use weblogs to express thoughts, present ideas and share knowledge. However, weblogs can also be misused to influence and manipulate the readers. Therefore the credibility of a blog has to be validated before the available information is used for analysis. The credibility of a blogentry is derived from the content, the credibility of the author or blog itself, respectively, and the external references or trackbacks. In this work we introduce an additional dimension to assess the credibility, namely the quantity structure. For our blog analysis system we derive the credibility therefore from two dimensions. Firstly, the quantity structure of a set of blogs and a reference corpus is compared and secondly, we analyse each separate blog content and examine the similarity with a verified news corpus. From the content similarity values we derive a ranking function. Our evaluation showed that one can sort out incredible blogs by quantity structure without deeper analysis. Besides, the content based ranking function sorts the blogs by credibility with high accuracy. Our blog analysis system is therefore capable of providing credibility levels per blog.