Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present work-in-progress on applying user pre-filtering to speed up and enhance recommendations based on Collab-orative Filtering. We propose to pre-filter users in order to extracta smaller set of candidate neighbors, who exhibit a high numberof overlapping entities and to compute the final user similaritiesbased on this set. To realize this, we exploit features of the high-performance search engine Apache Solr and integrate them into ascalable recommender system. We have evaluated our approachon a dataset gathered from Foursquare and our evaluation resultssuggest that our proposed user pre-filtering step can help to achieveboth a better runtime performance as well as an increase in overallrecommendation accuracy
Kowald Dominik, Lacic Emanuel, Theiler Dieter, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present preliminary results of AFEL-REC, a rec-ommender system for social learning environments. AFEL-RECis build upon a scalable so‰ware architecture to provide recom-mendations of learning resources in near real-time. Furthermore,AFEL-REC can cope with any kind of data that is present in sociallearning environments such as resource metadata, user interactionsor social tags. We provide a preliminary evaluation of three rec-ommendation use cases implemented in AFEL-REC and we €ndthat utilizing social data in form of tags is helpful for not only im-proving recommendation accuracy but also coverage. ‘is papershould be valuable for both researchers and practitioners inter-ested in providing resource recommendations in social learningenvironments
Duricic Tomislav, Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
User-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the most popularapproaches to create recommender systems. Œis approach is basedon €nding the most relevant k users from whose rating history wecan extract items to recommend. CF, however, su‚ers from datasparsity and the cold-start problem since users o‰en rate only asmall fraction of available items. One solution is to incorporateadditional information into the recommendation process such asexplicit trust scores that are assigned by users to others or implicittrust relationships that result from social connections betweenusers. Such relationships typically form a very sparse trust network,which can be utilized to generate recommendations for users basedon people they trust. In our work, we explore the use of a measurefrom network science, i.e. regular equivalence, applied to a trustnetwork to generate a similarity matrix that is used to select thek-nearest neighbors for recommending items. We evaluate ourapproach on Epinions and we €nd that we can outperform relatedmethods for tackling cold-start users in terms of recommendationaccuracy
Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Reiter-Haas Markus, Slawicek Valentin, Lex Elisabeth
In this work, we address the problem of recommending jobs touniversity students. For this, we explore the impact of using itemembeddings for a content-based job recommendation system. Fur-thermore, we utilize a model from human memory theory to integratethe factors of frequency and recency of job posting interactions forcombining item embeddings. We evaluate our job recommendationsystem on a dataset of the Austrian student job portal Studo usingprediction accuracy, diversity as well as adapted novelty, which isintroduced in this work. We find that utilizing frequency and recencyof interactions with job postings for combining item embeddingsresults in a robust model with respect to accuracy and diversity, butalso provides the best adapted novelty results