Luzhnica Granit, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Fessl Angela, Mutlu Belgin, Veas Eduardo Enrique
Especially in lifelong or professional learning, the picture of a continuous learning analytics process emerges. In this proces s, het- erogeneous and changing data source applications provide data relevant to learning, at the same time as questions of learners to data cha nge. This reality challenges designers of analytics tools, as it req uires ana- lytics tools to deal with data and analytics tasks that are unk nown at application design time. In this paper, we describe a generic vi sualiza- tion tool that addresses these challenges by enabling the vis ualization of any activity log data. Furthermore, we evaluate how well parti cipants can answer questions about underlying data given such generic versus custom visualizations. Study participants performed better in 5 out of 10 tasks with the generic visualization tool, worse in 1 out of 1 0 tasks, and without significant difference when compared to the visuali zations within the data-source applications in the remaining 4 of 10 ta sks. The experiment clearly showcases that overall, generic, standalon e visualiza- tion tools have the potential to support analytical tasks suffi ciently well
Fessl Angela, Wesiak Gudrun, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
Reflective learning is an important strategy to keep the vast body of theoretical knowledge fresh, stay up-to-date with new knowledge, and to relate theoretical knowledge to practical experience. In this work, we present a study situated in a qualification program for stroke nurses in Germany. In the seven-week study, $21$ stroke nurses used a quiz on medical knowledge as additional learning instrument. The quiz contained typical quiz questions (``content questions'') as well as reflective questions that aimed at stimulating nurses to reflect on the practical relevance of the learned knowledge.We particularly looked at how reflective questions can support the transfer of theoretical knowledge to practice.The results show that by playful learning and presenting reflective questions at the right time, participants were motivated to reflect, deepened their knowledge and related theoretical knowledge to practical experience. Subsequently, they were able to better understand patient treatments and increased their self-confidence.