Scheir Peter, Granitzer Michael, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Hofmair P.
In this contribution we present a tool for annotating documents, which are used for workintegratedlearning, with concepts from an ontology. To allow for annotating directly whilecreating or editing an ontology, the tool was realized as a plug-in for the ontology editor Protégé.Annotating documents with semantic metadata is a laborious task, most of the time knowledgerepresentations are created independently from the resources that should be annotated andadditionally in most work environments a high number of documents exist. To increase theefficiency of the person annotating, in our tool the process of assigning concepts to text-documentsis supported by automatic text-classification.
Rath Andreas S., Kröll Mark, Andrews K., Lindstaedt Stefanie , Granitzer Michael
In a knowledge-intensive business environment, knowledgeworkers perform their tasks in highly creative ways. This essential freedomrequired by knowledge workers often conflicts with their organization’sneed for standardization, control, and transparency. Within thiscontext, the research project DYONIPOS aims to mitigate this contradictionby supporting the process engineer with insights into the processexecuter’s working behavior. These insights constitute the basis for balancedprocess modeling. DYONIPOS provides a process engineer supportenvironment with advanced process modeling services, such as processvisualization, standard process validation, and ad-hoc process analysisand optimization services.
Granitzer Michael, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Tochtermann K., Kröll Mark, Rath Andreas S.
Knowledge-intensive work plays an increasinglyimportant role in organisations of all types. Thiswork is characterized by a defined input and adefined output but not the way how to transformthe input to an output. Within this context, theresearch project DYONIPOS aims at encouragingthe two crucial roles in a knowledge-intensiveorganization - the process executer and the processengineer. Ad-hoc support will be providedfor the knowledge worker by synergizing the developmentof context sensitive, intelligent, andagile semantic technologies with contextual retrieval.DYONIPOS provides process executerswith guidance through business processes andjust-in-time resource support based on the currentuser context, that are the focus of this paper.