Wolfbauer Irmtraud, Bangerl Mia Magdalena, Maitz Katharina, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
In Rebo at Work, chatbot Rebo helps apprentices to reflect on a work experience and associate it with their training’s learning objectives. Rebo poses questions that motivate the apprentice to look at a work experience from different angles, pondering how it went, the problems they encountered, what they learned from it, and what they take away for the future. We present preliminary results of a 9-month field study (analysis of 90 interactions of the first 6 months) with 51 apprentices in the fields of metal technology, mechatronics, and electrical engineering. During reflection with Rebo at Work, 98% of apprentices were able to identify their work experience as a learning opportunity and reflect on that, and 83% successfully connected it with a learning objective. This shows that self-monitoring of learning objectives and reflection on work tasks can be guided by a conversational agent and motivates further research in this area.
Wolfbauer Irmtraud, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Maitz Katharina, Rosé Carolyn P.
We present a script for conversational reflection guidance embedded in reflective practice. Rebo Junior, a non-adaptive conversational agent, was evaluated in a 12-week field study with apprentices. We analysed apprentices’ interactions with Rebo Junior in terms of reflectivity, and measured the development of their reflection competence via reflective essays at three points in time during the field study. Reflection competence, a key competency for lifelong professional learning, becomes significantly higher by the third essay, after repeated interactions with Rebo Junior (paired-samples t-test t13=3.00, p=.010 from Essay 1 to Essay 3). However, we also observed a significant decrease in reflectivity in the Rebo Junior interactions over time (paired-samples t-test between the first and eighth interaction: t7=2.50, p=.041). We attribute this decline to i) the novelty of Rebo Junior wearing off (novelty effect) and ii) the apprentices learning the script and experiencing subsequent frustration due to the script not fading over time. Overall, this work i) informs future design through the observation of consistent decreases in engagement over 8 interactions with static scaffolding, and ii) contributes a reflection script applicable for reflection on tasks that resemble future expected work tasks, a typical setting in lifelong professional learning, and iii) indicates increased reflection competence after repeated reflection guided by a conversational agent.
Wolfbauer Irmtraud
Use Case & Motivation:Styrian SME’s need an online learning platform for their apprentices in mechatronics, metal and electrical engineering. Research opportunities: * Apprentices as target group are under-researched* Designing a computer-mediated learning intervention in the overlap between workplace learning and educational setting* Contributing to research on reflection guidance technologies* Developing the first reflection guidance chatbot
Wolfbauer Irmtraud
Presentation of PhDUse Case: An online learning platform for apprentices.Research opportunities: Target group is under-researched1. Computer usage & ICT self-efficacy2. Communities of practice, identities as learnersReflection guidance technologies3. Rebo, the reflection guidance chatbot
Wolfbauer Irmtraud
Use Case: An online learning platform for apprentices.Research opportunities: Target group is under-researched1. Computer usage & ICT self-efficacy2. Communities of practice, identities as learnersReflection guidance technologies3. Rebo, the reflection guidance chatbot