Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Fessl Angela, Wertner Alfred
Becoming a data-savvy professional requires skills and competencesin information literacy, communication and collaboration, and content creationin digital environments. In this paper, we present a concept for automatic learningguidance in relation to an information literacy curriculum. The learning guidanceconcept has three components: Firstly, an open learner model in terms of an informationliteracy curriculum is created. Based on the data collected in the learnermodel, learning analytics is used in combination with a corresponding visualizationto present the current learning status of the learner. Secondly, reflectionprompts in form of sentence starters or reflective questions adaptive to the learnermodel aim to guide learning. Thirdly, learning resources are suggested that arestructured along learning goals to motivate learners to progress. The main contributionof this paper is to discuss what we see as main research challenges withrespect to existing literature on open learner modeling, learning analytics, recommendersystems for learning, and learning guidance.
Iacopo Vagliano, Franziska Günther, Mathias Heinz, Aitor Apaolaza, Irina Bienia, Breitfuß Gert, Till Blume, Chrysa Collyda, Fessl Angela, Sebastian Gottfried, Hasitschka Peter, Jasmin Kellermann, Thomas Köhler, Annalouise Maas, Vasileios Mezaris, Ahmed Saleh, Andrzej Skulimowski, Thalmann_TU Stefan, Markel Vigo, Wertner Alfred, Michael Wiese, Ansgar Scherp
In the Big Data era, people can access vast amounts of information, but often lack the time, strategies and tools to efficiently extract the necessary knowledge from it. Research and innovation staff needs to effectively obtain an overview of publications, patents, funding opportunities, etc., to derive an innovation strategy. The MOVING platform enables its users to improve their information literacy by training how to exploit data mining methods in their daily research tasks. Through a novel integrated working and training environment, the platform supports the education of data-savvy information professionals and enables them to deal with the challenges of Big Data and open innovation.
Fessl Angela, Wertner Alfred, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
In this demonstration paper, we describe a prototype that visualizes usage of different search interfaces on a single search platform with the goal to motivate users to explore alternative search interfaces. The underlying rationale is, that by now the one-line-input to search engines is so standard, that we can assume users’ search behavior to be operationalized. This means, that users may be reluctant to explore alternatives even though these may be suited better to their context of use / search task.
Wertner Alfred, Stern Hermann, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Weghofer Franz
Sprachsteuerung stellt ein potentiell sehr mächtiges Werkzeug dar und sollte rein von der Theorie (grundlegende Spracheingabe) her schon seit 20 Jahren einsetzbar sein. Sie ist in der Vergangenheit im industriellen Umfeld jedoch primär an nicht ausgereifter Hardware oder gar der Notwendigkeit einer firmenexternen aktiven Datenverbindung gescheitert. Bei Magna Steyr am Standort Graz wird die Kommissionierung bisher mit Hilfe von Scan-nern erledigt. Dieser Prozess ließe sich sehr effektiv durch eine durchgängige Sprachsteue-rung unterstützen, wenn diese einfach, zuverlässig sowie Compliance-konform umsetzbar wäre und weiterhin den Menschen als zentralen Mittelpunkt und Akteur (Stichwort Hu-man in the Loop) verstehen würde. Daher wurden bestehende Spracherkennungssysteme für mobile Plattformen sowie passende „off the shelf“ Hardware (Smartphones und Headsets) ausgewählt und prototypisch als Android Applikation („Talk2Me“) umgesetzt. Ziel war es, eine Aussage über die Einsetzbarkeit von sprachgesteuerten mobilen Anwen-dungen im industriellen Umfeld liefern zu können.Mit dem Open Source Speech Recognition Kit CMU Sphinx in Kombination mit speziell auf das Vokabular der abgebildeten Prozesse angepassten Wörterbüchern konnten wir eine sehr gute Erkennungsrate erreichen ohne das Sprachmodell individuell auf einzelne Mitar-beiterInnen trainieren zu müssen. Talk2Me zeigt innovativ, wie erprobte, kostengünstige und verfügbare Technologie (Smartphones und Spracherkennung als Eingabe sowie Sprachsynthese als Ausgabe) Ein-zug in unseren Arbeitsalltag haben kann.
Wertner Alfred, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Czech Paul
Fall detection is a classical use case for mobile phone sensing.Nonetheless, no open dataset exists that could be used totrain, test and compare fall detection algorithms.We present a dataset for mobile phone sensing-based fall detection.The dataset contains both accelerometer and gyroscopedata. Data were labelled with four types of falls(e.g., “stumbling”) and ten types of non-fall activities (e.g.,“sit down”). The dataset was collected with martial artistswho simulated falls. We used five different state-of-the-artAndroid smartphone models worn on the hip in a small bag.Due to the datasets properties of using multiple devices andbeing labelled with multiple fall- and non-fall categories, weargue that it is suitable to serve as benchmark dataset.
Wertner Alfred, Czech Paul, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
Fall detection is a classical use case for mobile phone sensing.Nonetheless, no open dataset exists that could be used totrain, test and compare fall detection algorithms.We present a dataset for mobile phone sensing-based fall detection.The dataset contains both accelerometer and gyroscopedata. Data were labelled with four types of falls(e.g., “stumbling”) and ten types of non-fall activities (e.g.,“sit down”). The dataset was collected with martial artistswho simulated falls. We used five different state-of-the-artAndroid smartphone models worn on the hip in a small bag.Due to the datasets properties of using multiple devices andbeing labelled with multiple fall- and non-fall categories, weargue that it is suitable to serve as benchmark dataset.