Granitzer Michael, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Tochtermann K., Kröll Mark, Rath Andreas S.
Knowledge-intensive work plays an increasinglyimportant role in organisations of all types. Thiswork is characterized by a defined input and adefined output but not the way how to transformthe input to an output. Within this context, theresearch project DYONIPOS aims at encouragingthe two crucial roles in a knowledge-intensiveorganization - the process executer and the processengineer. Ad-hoc support will be providedfor the knowledge worker by synergizing the developmentof context sensitive, intelligent, andagile semantic technologies with contextual retrieval.DYONIPOS provides process executerswith guidance through business processes andjust-in-time resource support based on the currentuser context, that are the focus of this paper.
Tochtermann K., Zirm K., Lindstaedt Stefanie