Fessl Angela, Bratic Marina, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
A continuous learning solution was sought which allows strokenurses to keep the vast body of theoretical knowledge fresh, stay up-to-datewith new knowledge, and relate theoretical knowledge to practical experience.Based on the theoretical background of learning in the medical domain,reflective and game-based learning, we carried out a user-oriented designprocess that involved a focus group and a design workshop. In this process, aquiz that includes both content-based and reflection questions was identified asa viable means of transportation for theoretical knowledge. In this paper wepresent the result of trialling a quiz with both content-based and metacognitive(reflective) questions in two settings: In one trial the quiz was used by nursesas part of a qualification programme for stroke nurses, in the second trial bynurses outside such a formal continuous learning setting. Both trials weresuccessful in terms of user acceptance, user satisfaction and learning. Beyondthis success report, we discuss barriers to integrating a quiz into work processeswithin an emergency ward such as a stroke unit.
Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Simon Jörg Peter, Wilding Karin, Keller Stephan, Scherer Reinhold
Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology translatesbrain activity to machine-intelligible patterns, thusserving as input “device” to computers. BCI traininggames make the process of acquiring training data forthe machine learning more engaging for the users. Inthis work, we discuss the design space for BCI traininggames based on existing literature, and a traininggame in form of a Jigsaw Puzzle. The game wastrialled with four cerebral palsy patients. All patientswere very acceptant of the involved technology, which,we argue, relates back to the concept of BCI traininggames plus the adaptations we made. On the otherhand, the data quality was unsatisfactory. Hence, infuture work both concept and implementation need tobe finetuned to achieve a balance between useracceptance and data quality.