Müllner Peter , Lex Elisabeth, Schedl Markus, Kowald Dominik
Collaborative filtering-based recommender systems leverage vast amounts of behavioral user data, which poses severe privacy risks. Thus, often random noise is added to the data to ensure Differential Privacy (DP). However, to date it is not well understood in which ways this impacts personalized recommendations. In this work, we study how DP affects recommendation accuracy and popularity bias when applied to the training data of state-of-the-art recommendation models.Our findings are three-fold: First, we observe that nearly all users' recommendations change when DP is applied. Second, recommendation accuracy drops substantially while recommended item popularity experiences a sharp increase, suggesting that popularity bias worsens. Finally, we find that DP exacerbates popularity bias more severely for users who prefer unpopular items than for users who prefer popular items.
Müllner Peter , Lex Elisabeth, Schedl Markus, Kowald Dominik
State-of-the-art recommender systems produce high-quality recommendations to support users in finding relevant content. However, through the utilization of users' data for generating recommendations, recommender systems threaten users' privacy. To alleviate this threat, often, differential privacy is used to protect users' data via adding random noise. This, however, leads to a substantial drop in recommendation quality. Therefore, several approaches aim to improve this trade-off between accuracy and user privacy. In this work, we first overview threats to user privacy in recommender systems, followed by a brief introduction to the differential privacy framework that can protect users' privacy. Subsequently, we review recommendation approaches that apply differential privacy, and we highlight research that improves the trade-off between recommendation quality and user privacy. Finally, we discuss open issues, e.g., considering the relation between privacy and fairness, and the users' different needs for privacy. With this review, we hope to provide other researchers an overview of the ways in which differential privacy has been applied to state-of-the-art collaborative filtering recommender systems.
Duricic Tomislav, Kowald Dominik, Emanuel Lacic, Lex Elisabeth
By providing personalized suggestions to users, recommender systems have become essential to numerous online platforms. Collaborative filtering, particularly graph-based approaches using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), have demonstrated great results in terms of recommendation accuracy. However, accuracy may not always be the most important criterion for evaluating recommender systems' performance, since beyond accuracy aspects such as recommendation diversity, serendipity, and fairness can strongly influence user engagement and satisfaction. This review paper focuses on addressing these dimensions in GNN-based recommender systems, going beyond the conventional accuracy-centric perspective. We begin by reviewing recent developments in approaches that improve not only the accuracy-diversity trade-off, but also promote serendipity and fairness in GNN-based recommender systems. We discuss different stages of model development including data preprocessing, graph construction, embedding initialization, propagation layers, embedding fusion, score computation, and training methodologies. Furthermore, we present a look into the practical difficulties encountered in assuring diversity, serendipity, and fairness, while retaining high accuracy. Finally, we discuss potential future research directions for developing more robust GNN-based recommender systems that go beyond the unidimensional perspective of focusing solely on accuracy. This review aims to provide researchers and practitioners with an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted issues that arise when designing GNN-based recommender systems.
Müllner Peter , Lex Elisabeth, Schedl Markus, Kowald Dominik
User-based KNN recommender systems (UserKNN) utilize the rating data of a target user’s k nearest neighbors in the recommendation process. This, however, increases the privacy risk of the neighbors since their rating data might be exposed to other users or malicious parties. To reduce this risk, existing work applies differential privacy by adding randomness to the neighbors’ ratings, which reduces the accuracy of UserKNN. In this work, we introduce ReuseKNN, a novel differentially-private KNN-based recommender system. The main idea is to identify small but highly reusable neighborhoods so that (i) only a minimal set of users requires protection with differential privacy, and (ii) most users do not need to be protected with differential privacy, since they are only rarely exploited as neighbors. In our experiments on five diverse datasets, we make two key observations: Firstly, ReuseKNN requires significantly smaller neighborhoods, and thus, fewer neighbors need to be protected with differential privacy compared to traditional UserKNN. Secondly, despite the small neighborhoods, ReuseKNN outperforms UserKNN and a fully differentially private approach in terms of accuracy. Overall, ReuseKNN leads to significantly less privacy risk for users than in the case of UserKNN.
Reiter-Haas Markus, Kopeinik Simone, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we study the moral framing of political content on Twitter. Specifically, we examine differences in moral framing in two datasets: (i) tweets from US-based politicians annotated with political affiliation and (ii) COVID-19 related tweets in German from followers of the leaders of the five major Austrian political parties. Our research is based on recent work that introduces an unsupervised approach to extract framing bias and intensity in news using a dictionary of moral virtues and vices. In this paper, we use a more extensive dictionary and adapt it to German-language tweets. Overall, in both datasets, we observe a moral framing that is congruent with the public perception of the political parties. In the US dataset, democrats have a tendency to frame tweets in terms of care, while loyalty is a characteristic frame for republicans. In the Austrian dataset, we find that the followers of the governing conservative party emphasize care, which is a key message and moral frame in the party’s COVID-19 campaign slogan. Our work complements existing studies on moral framing in social media. Also, our empirical findings provide novel insights into moral-based framing on COVID19 in Austria
Oana Inel, Duricic Tomislav, Harmanpreet Kaur, Lex Elisabeth, Nava Tintarev
Online videos have become a prevalent means for people to acquire information. Videos, however, are often polarized, misleading, or contain topics on which people have different, contradictory views. In this work, we introduce natural language explanations to stimulate more deliberate reasoning about videos and raise users’ awareness of potentially deceiving or biased information. With these explanations, we aim to support users in actively deciding and reflecting on the usefulness of the videos. We generate the explanations through an end-to-end pipeline that extracts reflection triggers so users receive additional information to the video based on its source, covered topics, communicated emotions, and sentiment. In a between-subjects user study, we examine the effect of showing the explanations for videos on three controversial topics. Besides, we assess the users’ alignment with the video’s message and how strong their belief is about the topic. Our results indicate that respondents’ alignment with the video’s message is critical to evaluate the video’s usefulness. Overall, the explanations were found to be useful and of high quality. While the explanations do not influence the perceived usefulness of the videos compared to only seeing the video, people with an extreme negative alignment with a video’s message perceived it as less useful (with or without explanations) and felt more confident in their assessment. We relate our findings to cognitive dissonance since users seem to be less receptive to explanations when the video’s message strongly challenges their beliefs. Given these findings, we provide a set of design implications for explanations grounded in theories on reducing cognitive dissonance in light of raising awareness about online deception.
Duricic Tomislav, Volker Seiser, Lex Elisabeth
We perform a cross-platform analysis in which we study how does linking YouTube content on Reddit conspiracy forum impact language used in user comments on YouTube. Our findings show a slight change in user language in that it becomes more similar to language used on Reddit.
Duricic Tomislav, Kowald Dominik, Schedl Markus, Lex Elisabeth
Homophily describes the phenomenon that similarity breeds connection, i.e., individuals tend to form ties with other people who are similar to themselves in some aspect(s). The similarity in music taste can undoubtedly influence who we make friends with and shape our social circles. In this paper, we study homophily in an online music platform Last.fm regarding user preferences towards listening to mainstream (M), novel (N), or diverse (D) content. Furthermore, we draw comparisons with homophily based on listening profiles derived from artists users have listened to in the past, i.e., artist profiles. Finally, we explore the utility of users' artist profiles as well as features describing M, N, and D for the task of link prediction. Our study reveals that: (i) users with a friendship connection share similar music taste based on their artist profiles; (ii) on average, a measure of how diverse is the music two users listen to is a stronger predictor of friendship than measures of their preferences towards mainstream or novel content, i.e., homophily is stronger for D than for M and N; (iii) some user groups such as high-novelty-seekers (explorers) exhibit strong homophily, but lower than average artist profile similarity; (iv) using M, N and D achieves comparable results on link prediction accuracy compared with using artist profiles, but the combination of features yields the best accuracy results, and (v) using combined features does not add value if graph-based features such as common neighbors are available, making M, N, and D features primarily useful in a cold-start user recommendation setting for users with few friendship connections. The insights from this study …
Müllner Peter , Lex Elisabeth, Kowald Dominik
In this position paper, we discuss the merits of simulating privacy dynamics in recommender systems. We study this issue at hand from two perspectives: Firstly, we present a conceptual approach to integrate privacy into recommender system simulations, whose key elements are privacy agents. These agents can enhance users' profiles with different privacy preferences, e.g., their inclination to disclose data to the recommender system. Plus, they can protect users' privacy by guarding all actions that could be a threat to privacy. For example, agents can prohibit a user's privacy-threatening actions or apply privacy-enhancing techniques, e.g., Differential Privacy, to make actions less threatening. Secondly, we identify three critical topics for future research in privacy-aware recommender system simulations: (i) How could we model users' privacy preferences and protect users from performing any privacy-threatening actions? (ii) To what extent do privacy agents modify the users' document preferences? (iii) How do privacy preferences and privacy protections impact recommendations and privacy of others? Our conceptual privacy-aware simulation approach makes it possible to investigate the impact of privacy preferences and privacy protection on the micro-level, i.e., a single user, but also on the macro-level, i.e., all recommender system users. With this work, we hope to present perspectives on how privacy-aware simulations could be realized, such that they enable researchers to study the dynamics of privacy within a recommender system.
Lex Elisabeth, Kowald Dominik, Seitlinger Paul, Tran Tran, Felfernig Alexander, Schedl Markus
Psychology-informed Recommender Systems
Müllner Peter , Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we explore the reproducibility of MetaMF, a meta matrix factorization framework introduced by Lin et al. MetaMF employs meta learning for federated rating prediction to preserve users' privacy. We reproduce the experiments of Lin et al. on five datasets, i.e., Douban, Hetrec-MovieLens, MovieLens 1M, Ciao, and Jester. Also, we study the impact of meta learning on the accuracy of MetaMF's recommendations. Furthermore, in our work, we acknowledge that users may have different tolerances for revealing information about themselves. Hence, in a second strand of experiments, we investigate the robustness of MetaMF against strict privacy constraints. Our study illustrates that we can reproduce most of Lin et al.'s results. Plus, we provide strong evidence that meta learning is essential for MetaMF's robustness against strict privacy constraints.
Duricic Tomislav, Hussain Hussain, Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Helic Denis
In this work, we study the utility of graph embeddings to generate latent user representations for trust-based collaborative filtering. In a cold-start setting, on three publicly available datasets, we evaluate approaches from four method families:(i) factorization-based,(ii) random walk-based,(iii) deep learning-based, and (iv) the Large-scale Information Network Embedding (LINE) approach. We find that across the four families, random-walk-based approaches consistently achieve the best accuracy. Besides, they result in highly novel and diverse recommendations. Furthermore, our results show that the use of graph embeddings in trust-based collaborative filtering significantly improves user coverage
Lacic Emanuel, Markus Reiter-Haas, Kowald Dominik, Reddy Dareddy Mano, Cho Junghoo, Lex Elisabeth
In this work, we address the problem of providing job recommendations in an online session setting, in which we do not have full user histories. We propose a recom-mendation approach, which uses different autoencoder architectures to encode ses-sions from the job domain. The inferred latent session representations are then used in a k-nearest neighbor manner to recommend jobs within a session. We evaluate our approach on three datasets, (1) a proprietary dataset we gathered from the Austrian student job portal Studo Jobs, (2) a dataset released by XING after the RecSys 2017 Challenge and (3) anonymized job applications released by CareerBuilder in 2012. Our results show that autoencoders provide relevant job recommendations as well as maintain a high coverage and, at the same time, can outperform state-of-the-art session-based recommendation techniques in terms of system-based and session-based novelty
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Markus Schedl
In this paper, we introduce a psychology-inspired approachto model and predict the music genre preferences of differ-ent groups of users by utilizing human memory processes.These processes describe how humans access informationunits in their memory by considering the factors of (i) pastusage frequency, (ii) past usage recency, and (iii) the currentcontext. Using a publicly available dataset of more than abillion music listening records shared on the music stream-ing platform Last.fm, we find that our approach providessignificantly better prediction accuracy results than variousbaseline algorithms for all evaluated user groups, i.e., (i) low-mainstream music listeners, (ii) medium-mainstream musiclisteners, and (iii) high-mainstream music listeners. Further-more, our approach is based on a simple psychological model,which contributes to the transparency and explainability ofthe calculated predictions
Kowald Dominik, Markus Schedl, Lex Elisabeth
Research has shown that recommender systems are typicallybiased towards popular items, which leads to less popular items beingunderrepresented in recommendations. The recent work of Abdollahpouriet al. in the context of movie recommendations has shown that this pop-ularity bias leads to unfair treatment of both long-tail items as well asusers with little interest in popular items. In this paper, we reproducethe analyses of Abdollahpouri et al. in the context of music recommen-dation. Specifically, we investigate three user groups from the Last.fmmusic platform that are categorized based on how much their listen-ing preferences deviate from the most popular music among all Last.fmusers in the dataset: (i) low-mainstream users, (ii) medium-mainstreamusers, and (iii) high-mainstream users. In line with Abdollahpouri et al.,we find that state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms favor popularitems also in the music domain. However, their proposed Group Aver-age Popularity metric yields different results for Last.fm than for themovie domain, presumably due to the larger number of available items(i.e., music artists) in the Last.fm dataset we use. Finally, we comparethe accuracy results of the recommendation algorithms for the three usergroups and find that the low-mainstreaminess group significantly receivesthe worst recommendations.
Lex Elisabeth, Kowald Dominik, Schedl Markus
In this paper, we address the problem of modeling and predicting the music genre preferences of users. We introduce a novel user modeling approach, BLLu, which takes into account the popularity of music genres as well as temporal drifts of user listening behavior. To model these two factors, BLLu adopts a psychological model that describes how humans access information in their memory. We evaluate our approach on a standard dataset of Last.fm listening histories, which contains fine-grained music genre information. To investigate performance for different types of users, we assign each user a mainstreaminess value that corresponds to the distance between the user’s music genre preferences and the music genre preferences of the (Last.fm) mainstream. We adopt BLLu to model the listening habits and to predict the music genre preferences of three user groups: listeners of (i) niche, low-mainstream music, (ii) mainstream music, and (iii) medium-mainstream music that lies in-between. Our results show that BLLu provides the highest accuracy for predicting music genre preferences, compared to five baselines: (i) group-based modeling, (ii) user-based collaborative filtering, (iii) item-based collaborative filtering, (iv) frequency-based modeling, and (v) recency-based modeling. Besides, we achieve the most substantial accuracy improvements for the low-mainstream group. We believe that our findings provide valuable insights into the design of music recommender systems
Lacic Emanuel, Reiter-Haas Markus, Duricic Tomislav, Slawicek Valentin, Lex Elisabeth
In this work, we present the findings of an online study, where we explore the impact of utilizing embeddings to recommend job postings under real-time constraints. On the Austrian job platform Studo Jobs, we evaluate two popular recommendation scenarios: (i) providing similar jobs and, (ii) personalizing the job postings that are shown on the homepage. Our results show that for recommending similar jobs, we achieve the best online performance in terms of Click-Through Rate when we employ embeddings based on the most recent interaction. To personalize the job postings shown on a user's homepage, however, combining embeddings based on the frequency and recency with which a user interacts with job postings results in the best online performance.
Duricic Tomislav, Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
User-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the most popular approaches to create recommender systems. CF, however, suffers from data sparsity and the cold-start problem since users often rate only a small fraction of available items. One solution is to incorporate additional information into the recommendation process such as explicit trust scores that are assigned by users to others or implicit trust relationships that result from social connections between users. Such relationships typically form a very sparse trust network, which can be utilized to generate recommendations for users based on people they trust. In our work, we explore the use of regular equivalence applied to a trust network to generate a similarity matrix that is used for selecting k-nearest neighbors used for item recommendation. Two vertices in a network are regularly equivalent if their neighbors are themselves equivalent and by using the iterative approach of calculating regular equivalence, we can study the impact of strong and weak ties on item recommendation. We evaluate our approach on cold start users on a dataset crawled from Epinions and find that by using weak ties in addition to strong ties, we can improve the performance of a trust-based recommender in terms of recommendation accuracy.
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Schdel Markus
Kopeinik Simone, Seitlinger Paul, Lex Elisabeth
Kopeinik Simone, Lex Elisabeth, Kowald Dominik, Albert Dietrich, Seitlinger Paul
When people engage in Social Networking Sites, they influence one another through their contributions. Prior research suggests that the interplay between individual differences and environmental variables, such as a person’s openness to conflicting information, can give rise to either public spheres or echo chambers. In this work, we aim to unravel critical processes of this interplay in the context of learning. In particular, we observe high school students’ information behavior (search and evaluation of Web resources) to better understand a potential coupling between confirmatory search and polarization and, in further consequence, improve learning analytics and information services for individual and collective search in learning scenarios. In an empirical study, we had 91 high school students performing an information search in a social bookmarking environment. Gathered log data was used to compute indices of confirmatory search and polarisation as well as to analyze the impact of social stimulation. We find confirmatory search and polarization to correlate positively and social stimulation to mitigate, i.e., reduce the two variables’ relationship. From these findings, we derive practical implications for future work that aims to refine our formalism to compute confirmatory search and polarisation indices and to apply it for depolarizing information services
Kowald Dominik, Traub Matthias, Theiler Dieter, Gursch Heimo, Lacic Emanuel, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Kern Roman, Lex Elisabeth
Kowald Dominik, Lacic Emanuel, Theiler Dieter, Traub Matthias, Kuffer Lucky, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Lex Elisabeth
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Schedl Markus
Lex Elisabeth, Kowald Dominik
Adolfo Ruiz Calleja, Dennerlein Sebastian, Kowald Dominik, Theiler Dieter, Lex Elisabeth, Tobias Ley
In this paper, we propose the Social Semantic Server (SSS) as a service-based infrastructure for workplace andprofessional Learning Analytics (LA). The design and development of the SSS has evolved over 8 years, startingwith an analysis of workplace learning inspired by knowledge creation theories and its application in differentcontexts. The SSS collects data from workplace learning tools, integrates it into a common data model based ona semantically-enriched Artifact-Actor Network and offers it back for LA applications to exploit the data. Further,the SSS design promotes its flexibility in order to be adapted to different workplace learning situations. Thispaper contributes by systematizing the derivation of requirements for the SSS according to the knowledge creationtheories, and the support offered across a number of different learning tools and LA applications integrated to it.It also shows evidence for the usefulness of the SSS extracted from four authentic workplace learning situationsinvolving 57 participants. The evaluation results indicate that the SSS satisfactorily supports decision making indiverse workplace learning situations and allow us to reflect on the importance of the knowledge creation theoriesfor such analysis.
Lex Elisabeth, Wagner Mario, Kowald Dominik
In this work, we propose a content-based recommendation approach to increase exposure to opposing beliefs and opinions. Our aim is to help provide users with more diverse viewpoints on issues, which are discussed in partisan groups from different perspectives. Since due to the backfire effect, people's original beliefs tend to strengthen when challenged with counter evidence, we need to expose them to opposing viewpoints at the right time. The preliminary work presented here describes our first step into this direction. As illustrative showcase, we take the political debate on Twitter around the presidency of Donald Trump.
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
The micro-blogging platform Twitter allows its nearly 320 million monthly active users to build a network of follower connections to other Twitter users (i.e., followees) in order to subscribe to content posted by these users. With this feature, Twitter has become one of the most popular social networks on the Web and was also the first platform that offered the concept of hashtags. Hashtags are freely-chosen keywords, which start with the hash character, to annotate, categorize and contextualize Twitter posts (i.e., tweets).Although hashtags are widely accepted and used by the Twitter community, the heavy reuse of hashtags that are popular in the personal Twitter networks (i.e., own hashtags and hashtags used by followees) can lead to filter bubble effects and thus, to situations, in which only content associated with these hashtags are presented to the user. These filter bubble effects are also highly associated with the concept of confirmation bias, which is the tendency to favor and reuse information that confirms personal preferences. One example would be a Twitter user who is interested in political tweets of US president Donald Trump. Depending on the hashtags used, the user could either be stuck in a pro-Trump (e.g., #MAGA) or contra-Trump (e.g., #fakepresident) filter bubble. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to study confirmation bias and filter bubble effects in hashtag usage on Twitter by treating the reuse of hashtags as a phenomenon that fosters confirmation bias.
Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present work-in-progress on applying user pre-filtering to speed up and enhance recommendations based on Collab-orative Filtering. We propose to pre-filter users in order to extracta smaller set of candidate neighbors, who exhibit a high numberof overlapping entities and to compute the final user similaritiesbased on this set. To realize this, we exploit features of the high-performance search engine Apache Solr and integrate them into ascalable recommender system. We have evaluated our approachon a dataset gathered from Foursquare and our evaluation resultssuggest that our proposed user pre-filtering step can help to achieveboth a better runtime performance as well as an increase in overallrecommendation accuracy
Kowald Dominik, Lacic Emanuel, Theiler Dieter, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present preliminary results of AFEL-REC, a rec-ommender system for social learning environments. AFEL-RECis build upon a scalable so‰ware architecture to provide recom-mendations of learning resources in near real-time. Furthermore,AFEL-REC can cope with any kind of data that is present in sociallearning environments such as resource metadata, user interactionsor social tags. We provide a preliminary evaluation of three rec-ommendation use cases implemented in AFEL-REC and we €ndthat utilizing social data in form of tags is helpful for not only im-proving recommendation accuracy but also coverage. ‘is papershould be valuable for both researchers and practitioners inter-ested in providing resource recommendations in social learningenvironments
Dennerlein Sebastian, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Ley Tobias, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
Co-Creation methods for interactive computer systems design are by now widely accepted as part of the methodological repertoire in any software development process. As the communityis becoming more and more aware of the factthat software is driven by complex, artificially intelligent algorithms, the question arises what “co-creation of algorithms” in the sense of users ex-plicitly shaping the parameters of algorithms during co-creation, could mean, and how it would work. They are not tangible like featuresin a tool and desired effects are harder to be explained or understood. Therefore, we propose an it-erative simulation-based Co-Design approach that allows to Co-Create Algo-rithms together with the domain professionals by making their assumptions and effects observable. The proposal is a methodological idea for discussion within the EC-TEL community, yet to be applied in a research practice
Duricic Tomislav, Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
User-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the most popularapproaches to create recommender systems. Œis approach is basedon €nding the most relevant k users from whose rating history wecan extract items to recommend. CF, however, su‚ers from datasparsity and the cold-start problem since users o‰en rate only asmall fraction of available items. One solution is to incorporateadditional information into the recommendation process such asexplicit trust scores that are assigned by users to others or implicittrust relationships that result from social connections betweenusers. Such relationships typically form a very sparse trust network,which can be utilized to generate recommendations for users basedon people they trust. In our work, we explore the use of a measurefrom network science, i.e. regular equivalence, applied to a trustnetwork to generate a similarity matrix that is used to select thek-nearest neighbors for recommending items. We evaluate ourapproach on Epinions and we €nd that we can outperform relatedmethods for tackling cold-start users in terms of recommendationaccuracy
Ross-Hellauer Anthony, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
Lacic Emanuel, Traub Matthias, Duricic Tomislav, Haslauer Eva, Lex Elisabeth
A challenge for importers in the automobile industry is adjusting to rapidly changing market demands. In this work, we describe a practical study of car import planning based on the monthly car registrations in Austria. We model the task as a data driven forecasting problem and we implement four different prediction approaches. One utilizes a seasonal ARIMA model, while the other is based on LSTM-RNN and both compared to a linear and seasonal baselines. In our experiments, we evaluate the 33 different brands by predicting the number of registrations for the next month and for the year to come.
d'Aquin Mathieu , Kowald Dominik, Fessl Angela, Thalmann Stefan, Lex Elisabeth
The goal of AFEL is to develop, pilot and evaluate methods and applications, which advance informal/collective learning as it surfaces implicitly in online social environments. The project is following a multi-disciplinary, industry-driven approach to the analysis and understanding of learner data in order to personalize, accelerate and improve informal learning processes. Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining traditionally relate to the analysis and exploration of data coming from learning environments, especially to understand learners' behaviours. However, studies have for a long time demonstrated that learning activities happen outside of formal educational platforms, also. This includes informal and collective learning usually associated, as a side effect, with other (social) environments and activities. Relying on real data from a commercially available platform, the aim of AFEL is to provide and validate the technological grounding and tools for exploiting learning analytics on such learning activities. This will be achieved in relation to cognitive models of learning and collaboration, which are necessary to the understanding of loosely defined learning processes in online social environments. Applying the skills available in the consortium to a concrete set of live, industrial online social environments, AFEL will tackle the main challenges of informal learning analytics through 1) developing the tools and techniques necessary to capture information about learning activities from (not necessarily educational) online social environments; 2) creating methods for the analysis of such informal learning data, based on combining feature engineering and visual analytics with cognitive models of learning and collaboration; and 3) demonstrating the potential of the approach in improving the understanding of informal learning, and the way it is better supported; 4) evaluate all the former items in real world large scale applications and platforms.
Kowald Dominik, Seitlinger Paul , Ley Tobias , Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present the results of an online study with the aim to shed light on the impact that semantic context cues have on the user acceptance of tag recommendations. Therefore, we conducted a work-integrated social bookmarking scenario with 17 university employees in order to compare the user acceptance of a context-aware tag recommendation algorithm called 3Layers with the user acceptance of a simple popularity-based baseline. In this scenario, we validated and verified the hypothesis that semantic context cues have a higher impact on the user acceptance of tag recommendations in a collaborative tagging setting than in an individual tagging setting. With this paper, we contribute to the sparse line of research presenting online recommendation studies.
Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Reiter-Haas Markus, Slawicek Valentin, Lex Elisabeth
In this work, we address the problem of recommending jobs touniversity students. For this, we explore the impact of using itemembeddings for a content-based job recommendation system. Fur-thermore, we utilize a model from human memory theory to integratethe factors of frequency and recency of job posting interactions forcombining item embeddings. We evaluate our job recommendationsystem on a dataset of the Austrian student job portal Studo usingprediction accuracy, diversity as well as adapted novelty, which isintroduced in this work. We find that utilizing frequency and recencyof interactions with job postings for combining item embeddingsresults in a robust model with respect to accuracy and diversity, butalso provides the best adapted novelty results
Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Kowald Dominik, Helic Denis, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we study the process of opinion dynamics and consensus building inonline collaboration systems, in which users interact with each other followingtheir common interests and their social proles. Specically, we are interested inhow users similarity and their social status in the community, as well as theinterplay of those two factors inuence the process of consensus dynamics. Forour study, we simulate the diusion of opinions in collaboration systems using thewell-known Naming Game model, which we extend by incorporating aninteraction mechanism based on user similarity and user social status. Weconduct our experiments on collaborative datasets extracted from the Web. Ourndings reveal that when users are guided by their similarity to other users, theprocess of consensus building in online collaboration systems is delayed. Asuitable increase of inuence of user social status on their actions can in turnfacilitate this process. In summary, our results suggest that achieving an optimalconsensus building process in collaboration systems requires an appropriatebalance between those two factors.
Breitfuß Gert, Kaiser Rene_DB, Kern Roman, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Veas Eduardo Enrique
Proceedings of the Workshop Papers of i-Know 2017, co-located with International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business 2017 (i-Know 2017), Graz, Austria, October 11-12, 2017.
d'Aquin Mathieu , Adamou Alessandro , Dietze Stefan , Fetahu Besnik , Gadiraju Ujwal , Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Holz Peter, Kümmerle Joachim, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Lopez Sola Susana, Mataran Ricardo, Sabol Vedran, Troullinou Pinelopi, Veas Eduardo, Veas Eduardo Enrique
More and more learning activities take place online in a self-directed manner. Therefore, just as the idea of self-tracking activities for fitness purposes has gained momentum in the past few years, tools and methods for awareness and self-reflection on one's own online learning behavior appear as an emerging need for both formal and informal learners. Addressing this need is one of the key objectives of the AFEL (Analytics for Everyday Learning) project. In this paper, we discuss the different aspects of what needs to be put in place in order to enable awareness and self-reflection in online learning. We start by describing a scenario that guides the work done. We then investigate the theoretical, technical and support aspects that are required to enable this scenario, as well as the current state of the research in each aspect within the AFEL project. We conclude with a discussion of the ongoing plans from the project to develop learner-facing tools that enable awareness and self-reflection for online, self-directed learners. We also elucidate the need to establish further research programs on facets of self-tracking for learning that are necessarily going to emerge in the near future, especially regarding privacy and ethics.
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we study the imbalance between current state-of-the-art tag recommendation algorithms and the folksonomy structures of real-world social tagging systems. While algorithms such as FolkRank are designed for dense folksonomy structures, most social tagging systems exhibit a sparse nature. To overcome this imbalance, we show that cognitive-inspired algorithms, which model the tag vocabulary of a user in a cognitive-plausible way, can be helpful. Our present approach does this via implementing the activation equation of the cognitive architecture ACT-R, which determines the usefulness of units in human memory (e.g., tags). In this sense, our long-term research goal is to design hybrid recommendation approaches, which combine the advantages of both worlds in order to adapt to the current setting (i.e., sparse vs. dense ones)
Seitlinger Paul, Ley Tobias, Kowald Dominik, Theiler Dieter, Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Dennerlein Sebastian, Lex Elisabeth, Albert D.
Creative group work can be supported by collaborative search and annotation of Web resources. In this setting, it is important to help individuals both stay fluent in generating ideas of what to search next (i.e., maintain ideational fluency) and stay consistent in annotating resources (i.e., maintain organization). Based on a model of human memory, we hypothesize that sharing search results with other users, such as through bookmarks and social tags, prompts search processes in memory, which increase ideational fluency, but decrease the consistency of annotations, e.g., the reuse of tags for topically similar resources. To balance this tradeoff, we suggest the tag recommender SoMe, which is designed to simulate search of memory from user-specific tag-topic associations. An experimental field study (N = 18) in a workplace context finds evidence of the expected tradeoff and an advantage of SoMe over a conventional recommender in the collaborative setting. We conclude that sharing search results supports group creativity by increasing the ideational fluency, and that SoMe helps balancing the evidenced fluency-consistency tradeoff.
Wilsdon James , Bar-Ilan Judit, Frodemann Robert, Lex Elisabeth, Peters Isabella , Wouters Paul
Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
Recommender systems are acknowledged as an essential instrumentto support users in finding relevant information. However,the adaptation of recommender systems to multiple domain-specificrequirements and data models still remains an open challenge. Inthe present paper, we contribute to this sparse line of research withguidance on how to design a customizable recommender systemthat accounts for multiple domains with heterogeneous data. Usingconcrete showcase examples, we demonstrate how to setup amulti-domain system on the item and system level, and we reportevaluation results for the domains of (i) LastFM, (ii) FourSquare,and (iii) MovieLens. We believe that our findings and guidelinescan support developers and researchers of recommender systemsto easily adapt and deploy a recommender system in distributedenvironments, as well as to develop and evaluate algorithms suitedfor multi-domain settings
Kowald Dominik, Kopeinik Simone , Lex Elisabeth
Recommender systems have become important tools to supportusers in identifying relevant content in an overloaded informationspace. To ease the development of recommender systems, a numberof recommender frameworks have been proposed that serve a widerange of application domains. Our TagRec framework is one of thefew examples of an open-source framework tailored towards developingand evaluating tag-based recommender systems. In this paper,we present the current, updated state of TagRec, and we summarizeand reƒect on four use cases that have been implemented withTagRec: (i) tag recommendations, (ii) resource recommendations,(iii) recommendation evaluation, and (iv) hashtag recommendations.To date, TagRec served the development and/or evaluation processof tag-based recommender systems in two large scale Europeanresearch projects, which have been described in 17 research papers.‘us, we believe that this work is of interest for both researchersand practitioners of tag-based recommender systems.
Kopeinik Simone, Lex Elisabeth, Seitlinger Paul, Ley Tobias, Albert Dietrich
In online social learning environments, tagging has demonstratedits potential to facilitate search, to improve recommendationsand to foster reflection and learning.Studieshave shown that shared understanding needs to be establishedin the group as a prerequisite for learning. We hypothesisethat this can be fostered through tag recommendationstrategies that contribute to semantic stabilization.In this study, we investigate the application of two tag recommendersthat are inspired by models of human memory:(i) the base-level learning equation BLL and (ii) Minerva.BLL models the frequency and recency of tag use while Minervais based on frequency of tag use and semantic context.We test the impact of both tag recommenders on semanticstabilization in an online study with 56 students completinga group-based inquiry learning project in school. Wefind that displaying tags from other group members contributessignificantly to semantic stabilization in the group,as compared to a strategy where tags from the students’individual vocabularies are used. Testing for the accuracyof the different recommenders revealed that algorithms usingfrequency counts such as BLL performed better whenindividual tags were recommended. When group tags wererecommended, the Minerva algorithm performed better. Weconclude that tag recommenders, exposing learners to eachother’s tag choices by simulating search processes on learners’semantic memory structures, show potential to supportsemantic stabilization and thus, inquiry-based learning ingroups.
Kowald Dominik, Pujari Suhbash Chandra, Lex Elisabeth
Hashtags have become a powerful tool in social platformssuch as Twitter to categorize and search for content, and tospread short messages across members of the social network.In this paper, we study temporal hashtag usage practices inTwitter with the aim of designing a cognitive-inspired hashtagrecommendation algorithm we call BLLI,S. Our mainidea is to incorporate the effect of time on (i) individualhashtag reuse (i.e., reusing own hashtags), and (ii) socialhashtag reuse (i.e., reusing hashtags, which has been previouslyused by a followee) into a predictive model. For this,we turn to the Base-Level Learning (BLL) equation from thecognitive architecture ACT-R, which accounts for the timedependentdecay of item exposure in human memory. Wevalidate BLLI,S using two crawled Twitter datasets in twoevaluation scenarios. Firstly, only temporal usage patternsof past hashtag assignments are utilized and secondly, thesepatterns are combined with a content-based analysis of thecurrent tweet. In both evaluation scenarios, we find not onlythat temporal effects play an important role for both individualand social hashtag reuse but also that our BLLI,S approachprovides significantly better prediction accuracy andranking results than current state-of-the-art hashtag recommendationmethods.
Traub Matthias, Gursch Heimo, Lex Elisabeth, Kern Roman
New business opportunities in the digital economy are established when datasets describing a problem, data services solving the said problem, the required expertise and infrastructure come together. For most real-word problems finding the right data sources, services consulting expertise, and infrastructure is difficult, especially since the market players change often. The Data Market Austria (DMA) offers a platform to bring datasets, data services, consulting, and infrastructure offers to a common marketplace. The recommender systems included in DMA analyses all offerings, to derive suggestions for collaboration between them, like which dataset could be best processed by which data service. The suggestions should help the costumers on DMA to identify new collaborations reaching beyond traditional industry boundaries to get in touch with new clients or suppliers in the digital domain. Human brokers will work together with the recommender system to set up data value chains matching different offers to create a data value chain solving the problems in various domains. In its final expansion stage, DMA is intended to be a central hub for all actors participating in the Austrian data economy, regardless of their industrial and research domain to overcome traditional domain boundaries.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Treasure-Jones Tamsin, Lex Elisabeth, Ley Tobias
Background: Teamworking, within and acrosshealthcare organisations, is essential to deliverexcellent integrated care. Drawing upon an alternationof collaborative and cooperative phases, we exploredthis teamworking and respective technologicalsupport within UK Primary Care. Participants usedBits&Pieces (B&P), a sensemaking tool for tracedexperiences that allows sharing results and mutuallyelaborating them: i.e. cooperating and/orcollaborating.Summary of Work: We conducted a two month-longcase study involving six healthcare professionals. InB&P, they reviewed organizational processes, whichrequired the involvement of different professions ineither collaborative and/or cooperative manner. Weused system-usage data, interviews and qualitativeanalysis to understand the interplay of teamworkingpracticeand technology.Summary of Results: Within our analysis we mainlyidentified cooperation phases. In a f2f-meeting,professionals collaboratively identified subtasks andassigned individuals leading collaboration on them.However, these subtasks were undertaken asindividual sensemaking efforts and finally combined(i.e. cooperation). We found few examples ofreciprocal interpretation processes (i.e. collaboration):e.g. discussing problems during sensemaking ormonitoring other’s sensemaking-outcomes to makesuggestions.Discussion: These patterns suggest that collaborationin healthcare often helps to construct a minimalshared understanding (SU) of subtasks to engage incooperation, where individuals trust in other’scompetencies and autonomous completion. However,we also found that professionals with positivecollaboration history and deepened SU were willing toundertake subtasks collaboratively. It seems thatacquiring such deepened SU of concepts andmethods, leads to benefits that motivate professionalsto collaborate more.Conclusion: Healthcare is a challenging environmentrequiring interprofessional work across organisations.For effective teamwork, a deepened SU is crucial andboth cooperation and collaboration are required.However, we found a tendency of staff to rely mainlyon cooperation when working in teams and not fullyexplore benefits of collaboration.Take Home Messages: To maximise benefits ofinterprofessional working, tools for teamworkingshould support both cooperation and collaborationprocesses and scaffold the move between them
Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Geigl Florian, Pujari Suhbash Chandra, Lex Elisabeth, Helic Denis
In this paper, we study the process of opinion dynamics and consensus building in online collaboration systems, in which users interact with each other following their common interests and their social profiles. Specifically, we are interested in how users similarity and their social status in the community, as well as the interplay of those two factors influence the process of consensus dynamics. For our study, we simulate the diffusion of opinions in collaboration systems using the well-known Naming Game model, which we extend by incorporating an interaction mechanism based on user similarity and user social status. We conduct our experiments on collaborative datasets extracted from the Web. Our findings reveal that when users are guided by their similarity to other users, the process of consensus building in online collaboration systems is delayed. A suitable increase of influence of user social status on their actions can in turn facilitate this process. In summary, our results suggest that achieving an optimal consensus building process in collaboration systems requires an appropriate balance between those two factors.
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Kopeinik Simone
In recent years, a number of recommendation algorithmshave been proposed to help learners find suitable learning resources online.Next to user-centered evaluations, offline-datasets have been usedto investigate new recommendation algorithms or variations of collaborativefiltering approaches. However, a more extensive study comparinga variety of recommendation strategies on multiple TEL datasets ismissing. In this work, we contribute with a data-driven study of recommendationstrategies in TEL to shed light on their suitability forTEL datasets. To that end, we evaluate six state-of-the-art recommendationalgorithms for tag and resource recommendations on six empiricaldatasets: a dataset from European Schoolnets TravelWell, a dataset fromthe MACE portal, which features access to meta-data-enriched learningresources from the field of architecture, two datasets from the socialbookmarking systems BibSonomy and CiteULike, a MOOC dataset fromthe KDD challenge 2015, and Aposdle, a small-scale workplace learningdataset. We highlight strengths and shortcomings of the discussed recommendationalgorithms and their applicability to the TEL datasets.Our results demonstrate that the performance of the algorithms stronglydepends on the properties and characteristics of the particular dataset.However, we also find a strong correlation between the average numberof users per resource and the algorithm performance. A tag recommenderevaluation experiment reveals that a hybrid combination of a cognitiveinspiredand a popularity-based approach consistently performs best onall TEL datasets we utilized in our study.
Traub Matthias, Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Kahr Martin, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present work-in-progress on a recommender system designed to help people in need find the best suited social care institution for their personal issues. A key requirement in such a domain is to assure and to guarantee the person's privacy and anonymity in order to reduce inhibitions and to establish trust. We present how we aim to tackle this barely studied domain using a hybrid content-based recommendation approach. Our approach leverages three data sources containing textual content, namely (i) metadata from social care institutions, (ii) institution specific FAQs, and (iii) questions that a specific institution has already resolved. Additionally, our approach considers the time context of user questions as well as negative user feedback to previously provided recommendations. Finally, we demonstrate an application scenario of our recommender system in the form of a real-world Web system deployed in Austria.
Stanisavljevic Darko, Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Lex Elisabeth, Strohmaier M., Helic Denis
In this paper we assess the semantic stability of Wikipedia by investigat-ing the dynamics of Wikipedia articles’ revisions over time. In a semantically stablesystem, articles are infrequently edited, whereas in unstable systems, article contentchanges more frequently. In other words, in a stable system, the Wikipedia com-munity has reached consensus on the majority of articles. In our work, we measuresemantic stability using the Rank Biased Overlap method. To that end, we prepro-cess Wikipedia dumps to obtain a sequence of plain-text article revisions, whereaseach revision is represented as a TF-IDF vector. To measure the similarity betweenconsequent article revisions, we calculate Rank Biased Overlap on subsequent termvectors. We evaluate our approach on 10 Wikipedia language editions includingthe five largest language editions as well as five randomly selected small languageeditions. Our experimental results reveal that even in policy driven collaborationnetworks such as Wikipedia, semantic stability can be achieved. However, there aredifferences on the velocity of the semantic stability process between small and largeWikipedia editions. Small editions exhibit faster and higher semantic stability than large ones. In particular, in large Wikipedia editions, a higher number of successiverevisions is needed in order to reach a certain semantic stability level, whereas, insmall Wikipedia editions, the number of needed successive revisions is much lowerfor the same level of semantic stability.
Kopeinik Simone, Kowald Dominik, Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Lex Elisabeth
Classic resource recommenders like Collaborative Filteringtreat users as just another entity, thereby neglecting non-linear user-resource dynamics that shape attention and in-terpretation. SUSTAIN, as an unsupervised human cate-gory learning model, captures these dynamics. It aims tomimic a learner’s categorization behavior. In this paper, weuse three social bookmarking datasets gathered from Bib-Sonomy, CiteULike and Delicious to investigate SUSTAINas a user modeling approach to re-rank and enrich Collab-orative Filtering following a hybrid recommender strategy.Evaluations against baseline algorithms in terms of recom-mender accuracy and computational complexity reveal en-couraging results. Our approach substantially improves Col-laborative Filtering and, depending on the dataset, success-fully competes with a computationally much more expen-sive Matrix Factorization variant. In a further step, we ex-plore SUSTAIN’s dynamics in our specific learning task andshow that both memorization of a user’s history and clus-tering, contribute to the algorithm’s performance. Finally,we observe that the users’ attentional foci determined bySUSTAIN correlate with the users’ level of curiosity, iden-tified by the SPEAR algorithm. Overall, the results ofour study show that SUSTAIN can be used to efficientlymodel attention-interpretation dynamics of users and canhelp improve Collaborative Filtering for resource recommen-dations.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Lex Elisabeth, Ruiz-Calleja Adolfo, Ley Elisabeth
This paper reports the design and development of a visual Dashboard, called the SSS Dashboard, which visualizes data from informal workplace learning processes from different viewpoints. The SSS Dashboard retrieves its data from the Social Semantic Server (SSS), an infrastructure that integrates data from several workplace learning applications into a semantically-enriched Artifact-Actor Network. A first evaluation with end users in a course for professional teachers gave promising results. Both a trainer and a learner could understand the learning process from different perspectives using the SSS Dashboard. The results obtained will pave the way for the development of future Learning Analytics applications that exploit the data collected by the SSS.
Malarkodi C. S., Lex Elisabeth, Sobha Lalitha Devi
Agricultural data have a major role in the planning and success of rural development activi ties. Agriculturalists, planners, policy makers, gover n- ment officials, farmers and researchers require relevant information to trigger decision making processes. This paper presents our approach towards extracting named entities from real - world agricultura l data from different areas of agricu l- ture using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). Specifically, we have created a Named Entity tagset consisting of 19 fine grained tags. To the best of our knowledge, there is no specific tag set and annotated corpus avail able for the agricultural domain. We have performed several experiments using different combination of features and obtained encouraging results. Most of the issues observed in an error analysis have been addressed by post - processing heuristic rules, which resulted in a significant improvement of our system’s accuracy
Luzhnica Granit, Simon Jörg Peter, Lex Elisabeth, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
This paper explores the recognition of hand gestures based on a dataglove equipped with motion, bending and pressure sensors. We se-lected 31 natural and interaction-oriented hand gestures that canbe adopted for general-purpose control of and communication withcomputing systems. The data glove is custom-built, and contains13 bend sensors, 7 motion sensors, 5 pressure sensors and a magne-tometer. We present the data collection experiment, as well as thedesign, selection and evaluation of a classification algorithm. As weuse a sliding window approach to data processing, our algorithm issuitable for stream data processing. Algorithm selection and featureengineering resulted in a combination of linear discriminant anal-ysis and logistic regression with which we achieve an accuracy ofover 98. 5% on a continuous data stream scenario. When removingthe computationally expensive FFT-based features, we still achievean accuracy of 98. 2%.
Lacic Emanuel, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
Air travel is one of the most frequently used means of transportation in our every-day life. Thus, it is not surprising that an increasing number of travelers share their experiences with airlines and airports in form of online reviews on the Web. In this work, we thrive to explain and uncover the features of airline reviews that contribute most to traveler satisfaction. To that end, we examine reviews crawled from the Skytrax air travel review portal. Skytrax provides four review categories to review airports, lounges, airlines and seats. Each review category consists of several five-star ratings as well as free-text review content. In this paper, we conducted a comprehensive feature study and we find that not only five-star rating information such as airport queuing time and lounge comfort highly correlate with traveler satisfaction but also textual features in the form of the inferred review text sentiment. Based on our findings, we created classifiers to predict traveler satisfaction using the best performing rating features. Our results reveal that given our methodology, traveler satisfaction can be predicted with high accuracy. Additionally, we find that training a model on the sentiment of the review text provides a competitive alternative when no five star rating information is available. We believe that our work is of interest for researchers in the area of modeling and predicting user satisfaction based on available review data on the Web.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Ley Tobias, , Lex Elisabeth, Seitlinger Paul
In the digital realm, meaning making is reflected in the reciprocal manipulation of mediating artefacts. We understand uptake, i.e. interaction with and understanding of others’ artefact interpretations, as central mechanism and investigate its impact on individual and social learning at work. Results of our social tagging field study indicate that increased uptake of others’ tags is related to a higher shared understanding of collaborators as well as narrower and more elaborative exploration in individual information search. We attribute the social and individual impact to accommodative processes in the high uptake condition.
Kraker Peter, Peters Isabella, Lex Elisabeth, Gumpenberger Christian , Gorraiz Juan
In this study, we explore the citedness of research data, its distribution overtime and its relation to the availability of a digital object identifier (DOI) in the ThomsonReuters database Data Citation Index (DCI). We investigate if cited research data ‘‘im-pacts’’ the (social) web, reflected by altmetrics scores, and if there is any relationshipbetween the number of citations and the sum of altmetrics scores from various social mediaplatforms. Three tools are used to collect altmetrics scores, namely PlumX, ImpactStory,and Altmetric.com, and the corresponding results are compared. We found that out of thethree altmetrics tools, PlumX has the best coverage. Our experiments revealed thatresearch data remain mostly uncited (about 85 %), although there has been an increase inciting data sets published since 2008. The percentage of the number of cited research datawith a DOI in DCI has decreased in the last years. Only nine repositories are responsible for research data with DOIs and two or more citations. The number of cited research datawith altmetrics ‘‘foot-prints’’ is even lower (4–9 %) but shows a higher coverage ofresearch data from the last decade. In our study, we also found no correlation between thenumber of citations and the total number of altmetrics scores. Yet, certain data types (i.e.survey, aggregate data, and sequence data) are more often cited and also receive higheraltmetrics scores. Additionally, we performed citation and altmetric analyses of allresearch data published between 2011 and 2013 in four different disciplines covered by theDCI. In general, these results correspond very well with the ones obtained for research datacited at least twice and also show low numbers in citations and in altmetrics. Finally, weobserved that there are disciplinary differences in the availability and extent of altmetricsscores.
Santos Patricia, Dennerlein Sebastian, Theiler Dieter, Cook John, Treasure-Jones Tamsin, Holley Debbie, Kerr Micky , Atwell Graham, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
Social learning networks enable the sharing, transfer and enhancement of knowledge in the workplace that builds the ground to exchange informal learning practices. In this work, three healthcare networks are studied in order to understand how to enable the building, maintaining and activation of new contacts at work and the exchange of knowledge between them. By paying close attention to the needs of the practitioners, we aimed to understand how personal and social learning could be supported by technological services exploiting social networks and the respective traces reflected in the semantics. This paper presents a case study reporting on the results of two co-design sessions and elicits requirements showing the importance of scaffolding strategies in personal and shared learning networks. Besides, the significance of these strategies to aggregate trust among peers when sharing resources and decision-support when exchanging questions and answers. The outcome is a set of design criteria to be used for further technical development for a social tool. We conclude with the lessons learned and future work.
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we study factors that in uence tag reuse behavior in social tagging systems. Our work is guided by the activation equation of the cognitive model ACT-R, which states that the usefulness of information in human memory depends on the three factors usage frequency, recency and semantic context. It is our aim to shed light on the in uence of these factors on tag reuse. In our experiments, we utilize six datasets from the social tagging systems Flickr, CiteULike, BibSonomy, Delicious, LastFM and MovieLens, covering a range of various tagging settings. Our results con rm that frequency, recency and semantic context positively in uence the reuse probability of tags. However, the extent to which each factor individually in uences tag reuse strongly depends on the type of folksonomy present in a social tagging system. Our work can serve as guideline for researchers and developers of tag-based recommender systems when designing algorithms for social tagging environments.
Ruiz-Calleja Adolfo, Dennerlein Sebastian, Tomberg Vladimir , Pata Kai, Ley Tobias, Theiler Dieter, Lex Elisabeth
This paper presents the potential of a social semantic infrastructure that implements an Actor Artifact Network (AAN) with the final goal of supporting learning analytics at the workplace. Two applications were built on top of such infrastructure and make use of the emerging relations of such a AAN. A preliminary evaluation shows that an AAN can be created out of the usage of both applications, thus opening the possibility to implement learning analytics at the workplace.
Ruiz-Calleja Adolfo, Dennerlein Sebastian, Tomberg Vladimir , Ley Tobias , Theiler Dieter, Lex Elisabeth
This paper presents our experiences using a social semantic infrastructure that implements a semantically-enriched Actor Artifact Network (AAN) to support informal learning at the workplace. Our previous research led us to define the Model of Scaling Informal Learning, to identify several common practices when learning happens at the workplace, and to propose a social semantic infrastructure able to support them. This paper shows this support by means of two illustrative examples where practitioners employed several applications integrated into the infrastructure. Thus, this paper clarifies how workplace learning processes can be supported with such infrastructure according to the aforementioned model. The initial analysis of these experiences gives promising results since it shows how the infrastructure mediates in the sharing of contextualized learning artifacts and how it builds up an AAN that makes explicit the relationships between actors and artifacts when learning at the workplace.
Cook John, Ley Tobias, Maier Ronald, Mor Yishay, Santos Patricia, Lex Elisabeth, Dennerlein Sebastian, Trattner Christoph, Holley Debbie
In this paper we define the notion of the Hybrid Social Learning Network. We propose mechanisms for interlinking and enhancing both the practice of professional learning and theories on informal learning. Our approach shows how we employ empirical and design work and a participatory pattern workshop to move from (kernel) theories via Design Principles and prototypes to social machines articulating the notion of a HSLN. We illustrate this approach with the example of Help Seeking for healthcare professionals.
Traub Matthias, Kowald Dominik, Lacic Emanuel, Lex Elisabeth, Schoen Pepjin, Supp Gernot
In this paper, we present a scalable hotel recommender system for TripRebel, a new online booking portal. On the basis of the open-source enterprise search platform Apache Solr, we developed a system architecture with Web-based services to interact with indexed data at large scale as well as to provide hotel recommendations using various state-of-the-art recommender algorithms. We demonstrate the efficiency of our system directly using the live TripRebel portal where, in its current state, hotel alternatives for a given hotel are calculated based on data gathered from the Expedia AffiliateNetwork (EAN).
Pujari Subhash Chandra, Hadgu Asmelah Teka, Lex Elisabeth, Jäschke Robert
In this work, we study social and academic network activities of researchers from Computer Science. Using a recently proposed framework, we map the researchers to their Twitter accounts and link them to their publications. This enables us to create two types of networks: first, networks that reflect social activities on Twitter, namely the researchers’ follow, retweet and mention networks and second, networks that reflect academic activities, that is the co-authorship and citation networks. Based on these datasets, we (i) compare the social activities of researchers with their academic activities, (ii) investigate the consistency and similarity of communities within the social and academic activity networks, and (iii) investigate the information flow between different areas of Computer Science in and between both types of networks. Our findings show that if co-authors interact on Twitter, their relationship is reciprocal, increasing with the numbers of papers they co-authored. In general, the social and the academic activities are not correlated. In terms of community analysis, we found that the three social activity networks are most consistent with each other, with the highest consistency between the retweet and mention network. A study of information flow revealed that in the follow network, researchers from Data Management, HumanComputer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence act as a source of information for other areas in Computer Science.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Lacic Emanuel, Theiler Dieter, Ley Tobias
Informal learning at the workplace includes a multitude of processes. Respective activities can be categorized into multiple perspectives on informal learning, such as reflection, sensemaking, help seeking and maturing of collective knowledge. Each perspective raises requirements with respect to the technical support, this is why an integrated solution relying on social, adaptive and semantic technologies is needed. In this paper, we present the Social Semantic Server, an extensible, open-source application server that equips clientside tools with services to support and scale informal learning at the workplace. More specifically, the Social Semantic Server semantically enriches social data that is created at the workplace in the context of user-to-user or user-artifact interactions. This enriched data can then in turn be exploited in informal learning scenarios to, e.g., foster help seeking by recommending collaborators, resources, or experts. Following the design-based research paradigm, the Social Semantic Server has been implemented based on design principles, which were derived from theories such as Distributed Cognition and Meaning Making. We illustrate the applicability and efficacy of the Social Semantic Server in the light of three real-world applications that have been developed using its social semantic services. Furthermore, we report preliminary results of two user studies that have been carried out recently.
Lacic Emanuel, Traub Matthias, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we present our approach towards an effective scalable recommender framework termed ScaR. Our framework is based on the microservices architecture and exploits search technology to provide real-time recommendations. Since it is our aim to create a system that can be used in a broad range of scenarios, we designed it to be capable of handling various data streams and sources. We show its efficacy and scalability with an initial experiment on how the framework can be used in a large-scale setting.
Lacic Emanuel, Luzhnica Granit, Simon Jörg Peter, Traub Matthias, Lex Elisabeth, Kowald Dominik
In this paper, we present work-in-progress on a recommender system based on Collaborative Filtering that exploits location information gathered by indoor positioning systems. This approach allows us to provide recommendations for "extreme" cold-start users with absolutely no item interaction data available, where methods based on Matrix Factorization would not work. We simulate and evaluate our proposed system using data from the location-based FourSquare system and show that we can provide substantially better recommender accuracy results than a simple MostPopular baseline that is typically used when no interaction data is available.
Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth
To date, the evaluation of tag recommender algorithms has mostly been conducted in limited ways, including p-core pruned datasets, a small set of compared algorithms and solely based on recommender accuracy. In this study, we use an open-source evaluation framework to compare a rich set of state-of-the-art algorithms in six unfiltered, open datasets via various metrics, measuring not only accuracy but also the diversity, novelty and computational costs of the approaches. We therefore provide a transparent and reproducible tag recommender evaluation in real-world folksonomies. Our results suggest that the efficacy of an algorithm highly depends on the given needs and thus, they should be of interest to both researchers and developers in the field of tag-based recommender systems.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Theiler Dieter, Marton Peter, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Lex Elisabeth, Santos Patricia, Cook John
We present KnowBrain (KB), an open source Dropbox-like knowledge repository with social features for informal workplace learning. KB enables users (i) to share and collaboratively structure knowledge, (ii) to access knowledge via sophisticated content- and metadatabased search and recommendation, and (iii) to discuss artefacts by means of multimedia-enriched Q&A. As such, KB can support, integrate and foster various collaborative learning processes related to daily work-tasks.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Treasure-Jones Tamsin, Tomberg Vladimir, Theiler Dieter, Lex Elisabeth, Ley Tobias
Sensemaking at the workplace and in educational contexts has been extensively studied for decades. Interestingly, making sense out of the own wealth of learning experiences at the workplace has been widely ignored. To tackle this issue, we have implemented a novel sensemaking interface for healthcare professionals to support learning at the workplace. The proposed prototype supports remembering of informal experiences from episodic memory followed by sensemaking in semantic memory. Results from an initial study conducted as part of an iterative co-design process reveal the prototype is being perceived as useful and supportive for informal sensemaking by study participants from the healthcare domain. Furthermore, we find first evidence that re-evaluation of collected information is a potentially necessary process that needs further exploration to fully understand and support sensemaking of informal learning experiences.
Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Geigl Florian, Pujari Subhash Chandra, Lex Elisabeth, Helic Denis
In this paper, we analyze the influence of socialstatus on opinion dynamics and consensus building in collaborationnetworks. To that end, we simulate the diffusion of opinionsin empirical collaboration networks by taking into account boththe network structure and the individual differences of peoplereflected through their social status. For our simulations, weadapt a well-known Naming Game model and extend it withthe Probabilistic Meeting Rule to account for the social statusof individuals participating in a meeting. This mechanism issufficiently flexible and allows us to model various situations incollaboration networks, such as the emergence or disappearanceof social classes. In this work, we concentrate on studyingthree well-known forms of class society: egalitarian, ranked andstratified. In particular, we are interested in the way these societyforms facilitate opinion diffusion. Our experimental findingsreveal that (i) opinion dynamics in collaboration networks isindeed affected by the individuals’ social status and (ii) thiseffect is intricate and non-obvious. In particular, although thesocial status favors consensus building, relying on it too stronglycan slow down the opinion diffusion, indicating that there is aspecific setting for each collaboration network in which socialstatus optimally benefits the consensus building process.
Peters Isabella, Kraker Peter, Lex Elisabeth, Gumpenberger Christian, Gorraiz, Juan
The study explores the citedness of research data, its distribution over time and how it is related to the availability of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in Thomson Reuters' DCI (Data Citation Index). We investigate if cited research data "impact" the (social) web, reflected by altmetrics scores, and if there is any relationship between the number of citations and the sum of altmetrics scores from various social media-platforms. Three tools are used to collect and compare altmetrics scores, i.e. PlumX, ImpactStory, and Altmetric.com. In terms of coverage, PlumX is the most helpful altmetrics tool. While research data remain mostly uncited (about 85%), there has been a growing trend in citing data sets published since 2007. Surprisingly, the percentage of the number of cited research data with a DOI in DCI has decreased in the last years. Only nine repositories account for research data with DOIs and two or more citations. The number of cited research data with altmetrics scores is even lower (4 to 9%) but shows a higher coverage of research data from the last decade. However, no correlation between the number of citations and the total number of altmetrics scores is observable. Certain data types (i.e. survey, aggregate data, and sequence data) are more often cited and receive higher altmetrics scores.
Lex Elisabeth, Dennerlein Sebastian
Today's complex scientific problems often require interdisciplinary, team-oriented approaches: the expertise of researchers from different disciplines is needed to collaboratively reach a solution. Interdisciplinary teams yet face many challenges such as differences in research practice, terminology, communication , and in the usage of tools. In this paper, we therefore study concrete mechanisms and tools of two real-world scientific projects with the aim to examine their efficacy and influence on interdisciplinary teamwork. For our study, we draw upon Bronstein's model of interdisciplinary collaboration. We found that it is key to use suitable environments for communication and collaboration, especially when teams are geographically distributed. Plus, the willingness to share (domain) knowledge is not a given and requires strong common goals and incentives. Besides, structural barriers such as financial aspects can hinder interdisciplinary work, especially in applied, industry funded research. Furthermore, we observed a kind of cold-start problem in interdisciplinary collaboration, when there is no work history and when the disciplines are rather different, e.g. in terms of wording. HowTo: Scientific Work in Interdisciplinary and Distributed Teams (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282813815_HowTo_Scientific_Work_in_Interdisciplinary_and_Distributed_Teams [accessed Jul 13, 2017].
Kraker Peter, Enkhbayar Asuraa, Lex Elisabeth
In a scientific publishing environment that is increasingly moving online,identifiers of scholarly work are gaining in importance. In this paper, weanalysed identifier distribution and coverage of articles from the discipline ofquantitative biology using arXiv, Mendeley and CrossRef as data sources.The results show that when retrieving arXiv articles from Mendeley, we wereable to find more papers using the DOI than the arXiv ID. This indicates thatDOI may be a better identifier with respect to findability. We also find thatcoverage of articles on Mendeley decreases in the most recent years, whereasthe coverage of DOIs does not decrease in the same order of magnitude. Thishints at the fact that there is a certain time lag involved, before articles arecovered in crowd-sourced services on the scholarly web.
Kraker Peter, Lex Elisabeth, Gorraiz Juan, Gumpenberger Christian, Peters Isabella
Seitlinger Paul, Kowald Dominik, Kopeinik Simone, Hasani-Mavriqi Ilire, Ley Tobias, Lex Elisabeth
Classic resource recommenders like Collaborative Filtering(CF) treat users as being just another entity, neglecting non-linear user-resource dynamics shaping attention and inter-pretation. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid rec-ommendation strategy that re nes CF by capturing thesedynamics. The evaluation results reveal that our approachsubstantially improves CF and, depending on the dataset,successfully competes with a computationally much moreexpensive Matrix Factorization variant.
Lex Elisabeth, Kraker Peter, Dennerlein Sebastian
Today’s data driven world requires interdisciplinary, teamoriented approaches: experts from different disciplines are needed to collaboratively solve complex real-world problems. Interdisciplinary teams face a set of challenges that are not necessarily encountered by unidisciplinary teams, such as organisational culture, mental and financial barriers. We share our experiences with interdisciplinary teamwork based on a real-world example. We found that models of interdisciplinary teamwork from Social Sciences and Web Science can guide interdisciplinary teamwork in the domain of pharmaceutical knowledge management. Additionally, we identified potential extensions of the models’ components as well as novel influencing factors such the willingness to explicate and share domain knowledge.
Horn Christopher, Pimas Oliver, Granitzer Michael, Lex Elisabeth
In this paper, we outline our experiments carried out at theTREC Microblog Track 2011. Our system is based on a plain text indexextracted from Tweets crawled from twitter.com. This index hasbeen used to retrieve candidate Tweets for the given topics. The resultingTweets were post-processed and then analyzed using three differentapproaches: (i) a burst detection approach, (ii) a hashtag analysis, and(iii) a Retweet analysis. Our experiments consisted of four runs: Firstly,a combination of the Lucene ranking with the burst detection, and secondly,a combination of the Lucene ranking, the burst detection, and thehashtag analysis. Thirdly, a combination of the Lucene ranking, the burstdetection, the hashtag analysis, and the Retweet analysis, and fourthly,again a combination of the Lucene ranking with the burst detection butin this case with more sophisticated query language and post-processing.We achieved the best MAP values overall in the fourth run.
Granitzer Michael, Kienreich Wolfgang, Sabol Vedran, Lex Elisabeth
Technological advances and paradigmatic changes in the utilization of the World Wide Web havetransformed the information seeking strategies of media consumers and invalidated traditionalbusiness models of media providers. We discuss relevant aspects of this development and presenta knowledge relationship discovery pipeline to address the requirements of media providers andmedia consumers. We also propose visually enhanced access methods to bridge the gap betweencomplex media services and the information needs of the general public. We conclude that acombination of advanced processing methods and visualizations will enable media providers totake the step from content-centered to service-centered business models and, at the same time,will help media consumers to better satisfy their personal information needs.
Lex Elisabeth, Granitzer Michael, Juffinger A.
In the blogosphere, the amount of digital content is expanding and for search engines, new challenges have been imposed. Due to the changing information need, automatic methods are needed to support blog search users to filter information by different facets. In our work, we aim to support blog search with genre and facet information. Since we focus on the news genre, our approach is to classify blogs into news versus rest. Also, we assess the emotionality facet in news related blogs to enable users to identify people’s feelings towards specific events. Our approach is to evaluate the performance of text classifiers with lexical and stylometric features to determine the best performing combination for our tasks. Our experiments on a subset of the TREC Blogs08 dataset reveal that classifiers trained on lexical features perform consistently better than classifiers trained on the best stylometric features.
Lex Elisabeth, Granitzer Michael, Juffinger A.
In this paper, we outline our experiments carried out at the TREC 2009 Blog Distillation Task. Our system is based on a plain text index extracted from the XML feeds of the TREC Blogs08 dataset. This index was used to retrieve candidate blogs for the given topics. The resulting blogs were classified using a Support Vector Machine that was trained on a manually labelled subset of the TREC Blogs08 dataset. Our experiments included three runs on different features: firstly on nouns, secondly on stylometric properties, and thirdly on punctuation statistics. The facet identification based on our approach was successful, although a significant number of candidate blogs were not retrieved at all.
Lex Elisabeth, Granitzer Michael, Juffinger A., Seifert C.
Text classification is one of the core applications in data mining due to the huge amount of not categorized digital data available. Training a text classifier generates a model that reflects the characteristics of the domain. However, if no training data is available, labeled data from a related but different domain might be exploited to perform crossdomain classification. In our work, we aim to accurately classify unlabeled blogs into commonly agreed newspaper categories using labeled data from the news domain. The labeled news and the unlabeled blog corpus are highly dynamic and hourly growing with a topic drift, so a trade-off between accuracy and performance is required. Our approach is to apply a fast novel centroid-based algorithm, the Class-Feature-Centroid Classifier (CFC), to perform efficient cross-domain classification. Experiments showed that this algorithm achieves a comparable accuracy than k-NN and is slightly better than Support Vector Machines (SVM), yet at linear time cost for training and classification. The benefit of this approach is that the linear time complexity enables us to efficiently generate an accurate classifier, reflecting the topic drift, several times per day on a huge dataset.
Granitzer Michael, Lex Elisabeth, Juffinger A.
People use weblogs to express thoughts, present ideas and share knowledge. However, weblogs can also be misused to influence and manipulate the readers. Therefore the credibility of a blog has to be validated before the available information is used for analysis. The credibility of a blogentry is derived from the content, the credibility of the author or blog itself, respectively, and the external references or trackbacks. In this work we introduce an additional dimension to assess the credibility, namely the quantity structure. For our blog analysis system we derive the credibility therefore from two dimensions. Firstly, the quantity structure of a set of blogs and a reference corpus is compared and secondly, we analyse each separate blog content and examine the similarity with a verified news corpus. From the content similarity values we derive a ranking function. Our evaluation showed that one can sort out incredible blogs by quantity structure without deeper analysis. Besides, the content based ranking function sorts the blogs by credibility with high accuracy. Our blog analysis system is therefore capable of providing credibility levels per blog.
Lex Elisabeth, Juffinger A.
People use weblogs to express thoughts, present ideas and share knowledge, therefore weblogs are extraordinarily valuable resources, amongs others, for trend analysis. Trends are derived from the chronological sequence of blog post count per topic. The comparison with a reference corpus allows qualitative statements over identified trends. We propose a crosslanguage blog mining and trend visualisation system to analyse blogs across languages and topics. The trend visualisation facilitates the identification of trends and the comparison with the reference news article corpus. To prove the correctness of our system we computed the correlation between trends in blogs and news articles for a subset of blogs and topics. The evaluation corroborated our hypothesis of a high correlation coefficient for these subsets and therefore the correctness of our system for different languages and topics is proven.
Lex Elisabeth, Kienreich Wolfgang, Granitzer Michael, Seifert C.