Lindstaedt Stefanie , Aehnelt M., de Hoog R.
Lindstaedt Stefanie , de Hoog R., Aehnelt M.
This contribution shortly introduces the collaborative APOSDLE environmentfor integrated knowledge work and learning. It proposes a video presentation and thepresentation of the third APOSDLE prototype.
Aehnelt M., Ebert M., Beham Günter, Lindstaedt Stefanie , Paschen A.
Knowledge work in companies is increasingly carried out by teams of knowledge workers. They interact within and between teams with the common goal to acquire, apply, create and share knowledge. In this paper we propose a socio-technical model to support intra-organizational collaboration which specifically takes into account the social and collaborative nature of knowledge work. Our aim is to support in particular the efficiency of collaborative knowledge work processes through an automated recommendation of collaboration partners and collaboration media. We report on the theoretical as well as practical aspects of such a socio-technical model.