Von 8.-9. September findet die DSC – „Data Science Conference Austria“ per Livestream statt. Das Know-Center ist als einer der Interviewpartner bei der „Panel Discussion“ zum Thema „ How AI is fostering Dehumanization of Decision Making?” mit dabei und wird von Wolfgang Kienreich, Director of Business & Markets vertreten.

Inhalte der Panel Discussion:

“In this Data Discussion we will talk about what AI-powered Decision Making means and how much is it present in research, education and business.  Did this whole CoViD-19 situation lead towards Dehumanization of Decision Making and what was/is the role of AI in it. We will also tackle the topic – is Education focused more on developing ethical or practical values in AI.“ (Quelle: https://austria.datasciconference.com/schedule/)


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Artificial Intelligence