Recently, Stefanie Lindstaedt, CEO Know-Center and Director of ISDS (Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science) at Graz University of Technology, was interviewed by the Graz universities’ podcast ‘AIRCAMPUS’. Under the headline ‘One roof for all data’, the new building on the campus of Graz University of Technology is called the ‘Data House’, where a new hot spot for innovations in the field of digitalization is currently being created. Together with the ISDS, Know-Center will move into the Data House in summer 2022.

Stefanie Lindstaedt was invited to give insights into the core topics of Know-Center and to talk about the new ‘Data House’ in the Graz University Podcast ‘AIRCAMPUS’. The bundled know-how from Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Interactive Systems which will be created in the new building is set to be of the higest possible level.


To the Podcast

To the News article ‘Top research under one roof’