Fessl Angela, Wesiak Gudrun, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
Managing knowledge in periods of digital change requires not only changes in learning processes but also in knowledge transfer. For this knowledge transfer, we see reflective learning as an important strategy to keep the vast body of theoretical knowledge fresh and up-to-date, and to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical experience. In this work, we present a study situated in a qualification program for stroke nurses in Germany. In the seven-week study, 21 stroke nurses used a quiz on medical knowledge as an additional learning instrument. The quiz contained typical quiz questions (“content questions”) as well as reflective questions that aimed at stimulating nurses to reflect on the practical relevance of the learned knowledge. We particularly looked at how reflective questions can support the transfer of theoretical knowledge into practice. The results show that by playful learning and presenting reflective questions at the right time, participants reflected and related theoretical knowledge to practical experience.
Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Fessl Angela, Wertner Alfred
Becoming a data-savvy professional requires skills and competencesin information literacy, communication and collaboration, and content creationin digital environments. In this paper, we present a concept for automatic learningguidance in relation to an information literacy curriculum. The learning guidanceconcept has three components: Firstly, an open learner model in terms of an informationliteracy curriculum is created. Based on the data collected in the learnermodel, learning analytics is used in combination with a corresponding visualizationto present the current learning status of the learner. Secondly, reflectionprompts in form of sentence starters or reflective questions adaptive to the learnermodel aim to guide learning. Thirdly, learning resources are suggested that arestructured along learning goals to motivate learners to progress. The main contributionof this paper is to discuss what we see as main research challenges withrespect to existing literature on open learner modeling, learning analytics, recommendersystems for learning, and learning guidance.
Barreiros Carla, Veas Eduardo Enrique, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), every device have sensing and computing capabilities to enhance many aspects of human life. There are more and more IoT devices in our homes and at our workplaces, and they still depend on human expertise and intervention for tasks as maintenance and (re)configuration. Using biophilic design and calm computing principles, we developed a nature-inspired representation, BioIoT, to communicate sensor information. This visual language contributes to the users’ well-being and performance while being as easy to understand as traditional data representations. Our work is based on the assumption that if machines are perceived to be more like living beings, users will take better care of them, which ideally would translate into a better device maintenance. In addition, the users’ overall well-being can be improved by bringing nature to their lives. In this work, we present two use case scenarios under which the BioIoT concept can be applied and demonstrate its potential benefits in households and at workplaces.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Kowald Dominik, Lex Elisabeth, Ley Tobias, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
Co-Creation methods for interactive computer systems design are by now widely accepted as part of the methodological repertoire in any software development process. As the communityis becoming more and more aware of the factthat software is driven by complex, artificially intelligent algorithms, the question arises what “co-creation of algorithms” in the sense of users ex-plicitly shaping the parameters of algorithms during co-creation, could mean, and how it would work. They are not tangible like featuresin a tool and desired effects are harder to be explained or understood. Therefore, we propose an it-erative simulation-based Co-Design approach that allows to Co-Create Algo-rithms together with the domain professionals by making their assumptions and effects observable. The proposal is a methodological idea for discussion within the EC-TEL community, yet to be applied in a research practice
Cicchinelli Analia, Veas Eduardo Enrique, Pardo Abelardo, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Fessl Angela, Barreiros Carla, Lindstaedt Stefanie
This paper aims to identify self-regulation strategies from students' interactions with the learning management system (LMS). We used learning analytics techniques to identify metacognitive and cognitive strategies in the data. We define three research questions that guide our studies analyzing i) self-assessments of motivation and self regulation strategies using standard methods to draw a baseline, ii) interactions with the LMS to find traces of self regulation in observable indicators, and iii) self regulation behaviours over the course duration. The results show that the observable indicators can better explain self-regulatory behaviour and its influence in performance than preliminary subjective assessments.
Fessl Angela, Wertner Alfred, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
In this demonstration paper, we describe a prototype that visualizes usage of different search interfaces on a single search platform with the goal to motivate users to explore alternative search interfaces. The underlying rationale is, that by now the one-line-input to search engines is so standard, that we can assume users’ search behavior to be operationalized. This means, that users may be reluctant to explore alternatives even though these may be suited better to their context of use / search task.
Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Thalmann Stefan, Fessl Angela, Füssel Julia
Traditionally, professional learning for senior professionalsis organized around face-2-face trainings. Virtual trainingsseem to offer an opportunity to reduce costs related to traveland travel time. In this paper we present a comparative casestudy that investigates the differences between traditionalface-2-face trainings in physical reality, and virtualtrainings via WebEx. Our goal is to identify how the way ofcommunication impacts interaction between trainees,between trainees and trainers, and how it impactsinterruptions. We present qualitative results fromobservations and interviews of three cases in differentsetups (traditional classroom, web-based with allparticipants co-located, web-based with all participants atdifferent locations) and with overall 25 training participantsand three trainers. The study is set within one of the BigFour global auditing companies, with advanced seniorauditors as learning cohort
Fruhwirth Michael, Breitfuß Gert, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
The increasing amount of generated data and advances in technology and data analytics and are enablers and drivers for new business models with data as a key resource. Currently established organisations struggle with identifying the value and benefits of data and have a lack of know-how, how to develop new products and services based on data. There is very little research that is narrowly focused on data-driven business model innovation in established organisations. The aim of this research is to investigate existing activities within Austrians enterprises with regard to exploring data-driven business models and challenges encountered in this endeavour. The outcome of the research in progress paper are categories of challenges related to organisation, business and technology, established organisations in Austria face during data-driven business model innovation
Wertner Alfred, Stern Hermann, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Weghofer Franz
Sprachsteuerung stellt ein potentiell sehr mächtiges Werkzeug dar und sollte rein von der Theorie (grundlegende Spracheingabe) her schon seit 20 Jahren einsetzbar sein. Sie ist in der Vergangenheit im industriellen Umfeld jedoch primär an nicht ausgereifter Hardware oder gar der Notwendigkeit einer firmenexternen aktiven Datenverbindung gescheitert. Bei Magna Steyr am Standort Graz wird die Kommissionierung bisher mit Hilfe von Scan-nern erledigt. Dieser Prozess ließe sich sehr effektiv durch eine durchgängige Sprachsteue-rung unterstützen, wenn diese einfach, zuverlässig sowie Compliance-konform umsetzbar wäre und weiterhin den Menschen als zentralen Mittelpunkt und Akteur (Stichwort Hu-man in the Loop) verstehen würde. Daher wurden bestehende Spracherkennungssysteme für mobile Plattformen sowie passende „off the shelf“ Hardware (Smartphones und Headsets) ausgewählt und prototypisch als Android Applikation („Talk2Me“) umgesetzt. Ziel war es, eine Aussage über die Einsetzbarkeit von sprachgesteuerten mobilen Anwen-dungen im industriellen Umfeld liefern zu können.Mit dem Open Source Speech Recognition Kit CMU Sphinx in Kombination mit speziell auf das Vokabular der abgebildeten Prozesse angepassten Wörterbüchern konnten wir eine sehr gute Erkennungsrate erreichen ohne das Sprachmodell individuell auf einzelne Mitar-beiterInnen trainieren zu müssen. Talk2Me zeigt innovativ, wie erprobte, kostengünstige und verfügbare Technologie (Smartphones und Spracherkennung als Eingabe sowie Sprachsynthese als Ausgabe) Ein-zug in unseren Arbeitsalltag haben kann.
Barreiros Carla, Veas Eduardo Enrique, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
This paper describes a novel visual metaphor to communicate sensor information of a connected device. The Internet of Things aims to extend every device with sensing and computing capabilities. A byproduct is that even domestic machines become increasingly complex, tedious to understand and maintain. This paper presents a prototype instrumenting a coffee machine with sensors. The machine streams the sensor data, which is picked up by an augmented reality application serving a nature metaphor. The nature metaphor, BioAR, represents the status derived from the coffee machine sensors in the features of a 3D virtual tree. The tree is meant to pass for a living proxy of the machine it represents. The metaphor, shown either with AR or a simple holographic display, reacts to the user manipulation of the machine and its workings. A first user study validates that the representation is correctly understood, and that it inspires affect for the machine. A second user study validates that the metaphor scales to a large number of machines.