Kravcik Milos, Mikroyannidis Alexander, Pammer-Schindler Viktoria, Prilla Michael , Ullmann T.D.
Dennerlein Sebastian, Cook John, Kravcik Milos, Kunzmann Christine, Pata Kai, Purma Jukka, Sandars John, Santos Patricia , Schmidt Andreas, Al-Smadi Mohammad, Trattner Christoph, Ley Tobias
Workplace learning happens in the process and context of work, is multi-episodic, often informal, problem based and takes place on a just-in-time basis. While this is a very effective means of delivery, it also does not scale very well beyond the immediate context. We review three types of technologies that have been suggested to scale learning and three connected theoretical discourses around learning and its support. Based on these three strands and an in-depth contextual inquiry into two workplace learning domains, health care and building and construction, four design-based research projects were conducted that have given rise to designs for scaling informal learning with technology. The insights gained from the design and contextual inquiry contributed to a model that provides an integrative view on three informal learning processes at work and how they can be supported with technology: (1) task performance, reflection and sensemaking; (2) help seeking, guidance and support; and (3) emergence and maturing of collective knowledge. The model fosters our understanding of how informal learning can be scaled and how an orchestrated set of technologies can support this process.
Ley Tobias, Cook John, Dennerlein Sebastian, Kravcik Milos, Kunzmann Christine, Laanpere Mart, Pata Kai, Purma Jukka, Sandars John, Santos Patricia, Schmidt Andreas
While several technological advances have been suggested to scale learning at the workplace, none has been successful to scale informal learning. We review three theoretical discourses and suggest an integrated systems model of scaffolding informal workplace learning that has been created to tackle this challenge. We derive research questions that emerge from this model and illustrate these with an in-depth analysis of two workplace learning domains.